This morning it was still quite wet kout from the rain. I let the pups out while I went to turn on the light for Spiketail. She was lounging on her perch, cozied up to her warm heat lamp. It looks as if she had shed a little overnight. Luke and Maycie were busy exploring when I got outside. Luke had found a big log to play with! He kept kicking and pawing it around in the grass. This afternoon I let Luke and Maycie out to play while I went in by Spiketail. I dropped her dinner in her cage and she wasn't in any hurry to eat. Finally she made her way down from her perch and began to snag her food with her quick little tongue. One little guy started climbing on her tail and then clung onto her belly. I got that one off, then she quickly ate it. She got her little bath, then I placed her back on her perch. I put some new Beardie Bites in for her to work on later. Next, I let the puppies in for their lunch. Soon they had licked their bowls clean. They went back outside again for a quick potty break before it was time to go. This evening Luke and Maycie were bouncing at the gate to go outside. I let them out and went to turn out the light for Spiketail. I went back outside with Luke and Maycie. Maycie kept bouncing up into my lap for some attention. Luke was happy playing with his new log toy. He pawed it around, then would carry it to a new spot in the yard and would do the same thing again! Before bed, I got them each a carrot snack.