This afternoon the pups were dancing in their cages when they saw me. They all raced to the back door to go outside. It was finally not raining for once! We spent a little while out there today, until they were ready to head in. Jimmy snuggled up on the couch with me. Buddy wanted to come up too, but those silly boys started talking sassy to each other. This evening it was a little light out from some breaks in the clouds, letting some sunlight through. It wasn't raining again, Yay! After the pups took a potty break and got their meds, we all went outside for the rest of the time. Jimmy was a brave little one and ventured out onto the pool cover to bark at the neighbors, or whatever he was seeing. Sugar looked at him a little bit and stuck a paw on there, but was a good girl and stayed off. Jimmy was just a talkative boy tonight! When some jets flew over he started barking at that too, which got Sugar and Buddy joining him as well.