Today the girls were all snuggled in their cozy house when I arrived. As soon as I opened the door, they came running out to see me. We said hi for a few minutes, then I got them each a quick snack. After I sat down, the girls hopped up on either side of me and were attacking me with kisses! Sophie was going crazy, sliding from one end of the couch, across my lap and to the other, then pushing all the pillows off! She kept getting down, then would plop herself right in my lap. Silly girl! They both took a break from the excitement to eat their dinners. Then they returned, for more attention. They would both paw at me at the same time, "Pet me! No pet me first!" (Even though I was already petting them both. Haha!) When it was time, they headed outside and got another snack.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Sophie & Roxy
This morning I came in and didn't hear Pokey when I called for him. I started looking around for him, then finally spotted him at the top of the stairs. He came down and went outside to do his business. Pokey didn't stay out long, since it was cold and very windy out this morning! He came inside and we snuggled up on the chair for awhile. The house was creaking from the wind. This afternoon the rain had stopped, so Pokey spent a little longer outside this time. He explored a little while, then came inside to visit with me. This evening I could hear Pokey barking when I walked in. This time, I found him in the purple room on the bed. He hopped down and climbed into my lap for a bit while we said hi. Then, he hopped up and was ready to go outside. Pokey wandered around for awhile. He came in and snuggled up with me again. He would nuzzle my hand with his nose, so I would keep petting him. Pokey went outside once more before bed.
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Oreo was right at the door to see me. He followed me into the kitchen and rubbed his chin on my jeans, while I got them a fresh can of food. I heard Stuffy come down and he sat in between the kitchen and the living area to watch. The boys both met me in our spot when I was finished with their things. Stuffy sat just far enough out of reach. Oreo sat right next to me and enjoyed being pet for awhile. I got Stuffy to come sit close enough so I could scratch his chin a bit too. Oreo wandered off to go eat some more before I left.
Eisley & Indy
This morning was cold and very windy outside. When I arrived, both pups were warm and cozy in the garage. Indy ran right up to me and was saying his hellos. Eisley was busy trying to tell me she was ready for breakfast! I got their food ready, while they waited. They both ate well, so I gave them their snacks when they finished. Indy took his outside to eat. Miss Eisley stayed and visited with me a little when she finished her cookie. Later, Indy came in for a few more pets before I left. This evening, I got inside and it took a few minutes before the pups ran in to greet me. The rain had stopped for awhile. I fed them their dinners, which they both finished quickly. As soon as Indy was done, he took off out the door and was busy playing in the yard. Eisley soon followed and neither came back in for awhile.