Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Suzie, Heiny, Booboo, Quartz, Fluffy & Fudge

Everyone's doing fine today. Quartz is starting to follow me around now with Boo a little bit. I found Fluffy under the guest bed and got to pet her for a couple seconds before she ran off. I noticed the blanket on that bed was all rolled up today too. I checked both blankets over, no messes! Boo has been cleaning up his bowl all by himself, haven't needed the dogs to do it. The girls as usual, are very excited to see me and loving up every second of attention. As long as they aren't busy grabbing some food, they are snuggling up to me for more tummy rubs. They are sooo cute! I get lots of kisses everyday, they sure know how to butter me up. Heiny got her ear check today. She had to try quite a few times before Boo finally gave in and did it. He would walk around and sometimes come to me to be pet. Then she would run up to him and put her head down. He would ignore her and walk away again, it was quite comical. Suzie got up ok today, almost slipped once after she was up but didn't go down at all. But other than that everyone is doing great!