Today the girls got to come inside and cool off for a bit. It was a hot and sticky day out there. They must have been tired! Roxy hopped up by me to say hi, and Sophie stood at my feet for some pets. Shortly after, they both went and plopped down for a nap. Roxy was laying upside down in her chair and Sophie on the cool floor. I called for them, but neither budged an inch. Comfy girls! Haha. Sophie did eventually get up to come and snuggle with me for a bit. I got them some more water and some snacks when it was time to head back out.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Oreo & Stuffs
Today Oreo walked me to the kitchen to get his dinner. While he snacked, I took care of their things quick. I checked the bedroom to see if Stuffy was in there, but he wasn't. So, I headed to the living room. Oreo came running from the entry to join me. He laid down and enjoyed his pets. I heard Stuffy in the kitchen, snacking on some yums. When he was done, he wandered in by us. Stuffy came over and got some pets as well. I got out the laser light and had the boys chasing that for a few minutes. After that, they both wandered off to do other things. I guess they didn't need much attention today, maybe more tomorrow! Silly Oreo was sitting on my shoes again as I was heading out. Haha!
Sadi & Noell
This morning Noell came running in from the patio. She trotted along with me to their room. Sadi was up, so I picked her up and got her nosey cleaned, then gave her meds. Next, I got the girls their breakfast. I tried getting Sadi to eat for awhile, but she just wasn't interested. She'd dip her nose in there to sniff every time, then would turn and walk away. I ended up giving her appetite stimulant pill. Hopefully she'll eat later for me. Noell on the other hand, had no problems eating! She wolfed down her whole bowl. Sadi enjoyed a few pets, while Noell snuggled in my lap. Noell got some laser light time in as well before I left. This evening, Noell let me know she was ready for her dinner. Sadi was snoozing away in her bed, so I woke her up to clean her nose and give her eye drops. Noell sat and swatted at my legs playfully. Goofy lady! I saw Sadi had eaten quite a bit of food for me. I set her by her bowl tonight and she went right to work on it for me. Yay!