This morning, Noell came jingling down the hall to see me. She purred away as I carried her back down the hall to their room. Sadi was awake and wandering around while I picked up their area. Noell was in a playful mood and kept trying to mess up the pads as I set them down. Silly girl! She was rolling around in the tub while Sadi got her meds this morning. I started her on the Baytril as well today. Noell came and followed me to the kitchen to get their food. She sat under the dining table and meowed away at me. After the girls ate their food, I sat with them and gave them some pets. This evening, both girls were snuggled up and cozy in their beds. I woke Sadi up to clean her nose and get her to eat for me. Noell did a big stretch, then followed along to get her dinner as well.