This morning Shadow met me in the kitchen as usual. He had eaten well overnight. He ate some of his prescription food right away this morning, before coming to see me in the living room. He laid on the floor a minute, then hopped up and came to sniff at my knees. Then, he suddenly hopped up on my shoulders! "You will hold me now." Haha! He sat snuggled up in my arms and purred awhile. When he hopped down again, I got him some more food to snack on. He ate a little, then it was play time! He rolled around on the floor, pawing at his feather toy. This evening, Shadow met me in the laundry room. He helped me pick out a couple new cans of food from the pantry. He ate some, while I cleaned his litter boxes. When I came back, he was ready to cuddle in my lap a bit. The rest of the time, we played with his feather toy.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Oreo & Stuffs
Today I saw Stuffs all curled up on the ottoman in the living room when I walked in. I gave him a pet hello, then turned around to see Oreo in the kitchen, waiting for me. He rubbed up against my legs and rolled around on the floor, while I got their food ready. He got working on his plate while I cleaned their litter box. Oreo trotted along ahead of me to the living room, and laid down in his spot. He purred away as I pet him. Stuffy was comfy where he was, and stayed there the whole time. Oreo and I played with a couple of his mouse toys today too. He seemed pretty interested in the birds outside today. He would suddenly spin around with his ears perked up, to stare out the window. I gave Stuffs a few chin scratches on my way out.
I walked inside and got Bubba some fresh water right away. I refilled his snack bowl and called for him. He didn't come out, so I went ahead and cleaned his box quick. Mr. Bubba must have been out exploring today, so I missed him. Maybe tomorrow!
Sadi & Stormy
This morning Stormy came all the way into the laundry room to see me. I grabbed her quick to give her her meds. She purred and rubbed up against the cabinets as I got their food ready. She followed me to eat. While she was busy, I changed out their litter for today. Next, I got miss Sadi out from under the bed. She was all curled up and snoozing away. The girls both walked along with me to the living room. Sadi meowed for me to brush her. Stormy laid just out of reach for a bit, while she groomed herself. Once she finished, she walked around behind me and brushed up against my back. She snuggled up close for her attention.