Today I came in and both kitties were in the living room. Lucy was quite the talker today! She kept meowing at me. Haha. I took care of their box quick, then went to the living room to spend some time with them. Shadow hopped up on the table and reminded me that his kitty crack was still in the same place. Haha! Lucy and I played with their rope toy and kitty tunnel for awhile. Shadow was waiting patiently for me to get his yummy canned food out for him. So, we took a break from playing and I got that out. He ate, while Lucy and I played a bit more. Shadow ventured off to his front room to look out the window. Before I left, I got out some of his treats. He heard the jar and promptly came running! Haha!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Roxy & Sophie
This morning both the girls were snoozing out in the grass right next to the patio. They heard the door and both popped right up to come inside. I got them some more food, then they were already waiting for me on the couch. I sat by them and they both excitedly smothered me with lots of happy kisses! They make me laugh. After they settled down, Roxy went to go sprawl out on mom and dad's bed for awhile. Sophie laid next to me, belly up, enjoying her tummy rubs. Roxy later retired to her favorite chair. The girls both relaxed and took naps. Sophie was even snoring! Haha!
Daisy & Sophie
Today I came in and Sophie was already on her way to the front door to greet me. She meowed and followed along behind me to the kitchen. I got out their dishes and got them some fresh canned food. Sophie hadn't finished all hers from yesterday, but of course Miss Daisy did! Haha. Daisy had thrown up a little after I left yesterday, so I cleaned that up quick. She went to work on her food. Sophie was ready for some play time! I got out a different toy today and she had fun pawing and chasing after it. One time she was right by my leg, got a little carried away and started going after my pant leg! Guess she was a little too excited! Haha.
Hudson, Zel, Gabbie & Blackie
This morning all the little ones were at the door to greet me! I let them all out and called for Blackie. He must have been sleeping good! He finally came out of the bedroom and followed me out back. Everyone did their business quick. All but Hudson were ready to come in and eat their breakfast. He was busy chasing back and forth along the back fence. Not sure who was on the other side that he was so excited about. I got the others their breakfast. Once they finished and I let them out, he was finally ready to come eat. Back outside, it was a cool morning. The girls kept huddling up by the door, ready to head in. After Blackie started to join them, I let everyone back inside. This evening Blackie was prancing around at the door, ready to say hi. I let the little ones out of their beds and everyone raced to the back door. Tonight everyone was done with their business and ready to eat. They all licked their bowls clean for me. Everyone had fun exploring around the yard tonight, since it was quite comfortable out. Hudson sat at the back of the yard, just watching and waiting for something to chase after. Haha! The others were busy roaming and sniffing around. Soon, it was time to head in for bed.