Crash was standing in the window, barking as I came to the door this evening. Both he and Genny were right there, tails a-wagging, to greet me! Genny was carrying around her little puppy dog toy. I made her leave it inside as we went out to play. Luckily the rain held off, so we had a nice time outside. They each came up to me for a back scratch. Crash and Genny watched the neighbors playing outside with their dog for a bit, then laid in the grass and smelled the air. We headed in to get Crash his medicine and get them dinner. I brought Genny's food over to her and they each finished off their own bowl. Crash came over when he was done and gave me all kinds of kisses! After dinner we went back outside for awhile to enjoy the evening. They each got a treat when it was time to come back inside.