This morning Pokey was up and on his way to see me when I walked in. I pet him hello, then we headed outside. He did his business, then roamed around a bit. While we were out, it began to rain. That sent little Pokey to the door, ready to go in. I sat on the chair and Pokey snuggled up with me for awhile. This afternoon Pokey barked from the back of his chair, until he could see me. He hopped down to come say hi. The rain had stopped, so we went outside. Pokey roamed around quite a bit longer this time. While he was busy exploring, I went to check on the crab in the girl's room. This evening, Pokey heard me coming in. He hopped down from his napping area and met me at the back door. He took a quick potty break, then was ready to come back in shortly after. We spent quite awhile snuggled up in the chair together. He was happy to be pet. Pokey even fell asleep for awhile!
Friday, February 28, 2014
Oreo & Stuffy
This evening all was dark in the house when I arrived. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something light by the tv. I flipped the lights on, and saw that it was Stuffy! He was just sitting in the dark by the tv, watching me. Creepy! Haha. Oreo came and attached himself to my legs. Someone was hungry! I got him some fresh food, which he worked on while I cleaned their box. He came to visit me in the living room for a little bit. It wasn't long, before Oreo wandered off. Stuffy came to take his spot. He was happy to have some attention again. Stuffs laid by me for me to pet him. Eventually, he got up as well, to go snack on some food.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Today I let Ruby out when I arrived. Lance was sitting there, trying to swipe at the dogs as they'd walk by. Goofy cat! The pups and I headed outside for awhile. Rusty was exploring. Miss Ruby was running around, being silly. Rusty had come up onto the patio by me. Ruby came running, and jumped clear over him on her way to go inside! We went in and I spent some time with Lance. The pooches snuggled up on the couch next to me. Lance curled up on my lap for a bit and purred away. He even came up to give me a couple licks on my chin. Then, we played with his mouse awhile. I went to take Rusty outside for his turn to play, but I guess he was comfy in his spot on the couch. He didn't budge!
Katie & Sage
Today Sage was pacing back and forth in her kennel, ready to come out and run her laps! She zoomed out and ran around to get rid of some energy. Then, she went to get her ball for me. We played fetch for awhile, until she decided to roll around and relax for a minute. I cleaned out her run, then we played fetch a little longer. Suddenly, she had to run and check out what the neighbor dog was doing! He was rubbing all along the fence. It was pretty funny! I got Sage her dinner, then let miss Katie out. She roamed around a little, then I cleaned her eye up. She continued to explore a bit, while I cleaned up her side. The girls did great!