This evening it was still raining. The pups didn't spend too much time outside. I think the weather spooked them. They would line up by the door when they wanted back in. I gave them their meds and they gobbled them all up quickly. Then we lounged in the living room. Buddy curled up on a pillow while Jimmy found a bone to keep himself occupied with. Sugar liked her spot by the master bedroom on the rug. Charlie was pretty quiet today too. He usually had something to say every now and again, but today he was silent and eating a lot. Maybe he didn't like the weather either.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Miranda is not a big fan of getting her paws wet, so anytime it rained, she would barely leave the patio to go potty. I called and called her to come by me on the grass so she would do her business. She would take maybe two steps on to the grass to go, then quickly run back to 'safety.' She was so funny. She wanted to go back inside right after, and I let her. We spent the remainder of our time sitting inside. She even brought me a toy or two a few times.

Cute little Winston was curled up on the couch when I arrived this afternoon. He hopped down to see me, snorting happily. I got his leash on and we headed downstairs. Before he could take care of his business, two little kids ran over and started petting him. He was wagging his tail and being a good little boy. The kids finally left and he could go potty. We headed back upstairs and I sat with him the rest of the time, snuggling him. He was such a cutie.

Bert, Roxy, Biscuit & Dilly
This afternoon I let the three pups that wer in the kitchen out. Dilly led the gang out the backdoor. Roxy wasn't too sure about running around in the wet grass, but the other two had no problem at all. Instead, she stood beside me and demanded attention, hopping up and down until I would crouch down and pet her. After awhile, we went back inside. Biscuit was running around with a toy hedgehog more than half his size. Dilly was zooming around trying to get my attention. She even jumped on the back of the couch and was nudging my head with her nose. Roxy curled up next to me on the couch. It was time for Roxy to go in her room and Bert came out. We spent the rest of the time outside. All three of them had no problem playing in the rain.

Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This morning I came to visit the pups. I let them all outside quick. They quickly did what they had to, then lined up at the back door. I let them in and got them their meds. Then, I got them each a small serving of rice and veggies. Jimmy and I played a game of fetch after breakfast. I took everyone back outside once more before it was back to bed. This afternoon, the rain had actually let up a bit. So, the pups and I got to spend some time outside. Jimmy had fun wandering around in the yard. Buddy stayed close to the patio, looking for critters. Sugar went out for a little bit, then snuggled up on her doggie bed. We headed inside and I got them eat a treat before I left. I let them have roam of the house for the afternoon.
Daisy & Casper
Today miss Daisy was snuggled up on her bed in the bathroom. She waited there, nice and comfy, while I refilled her dishes and cleaned her litter boxes. Eventually she came out and started eating her food. I went to feed all the fish next, who were eagerly swimming to the top to be the first to eat. After that, I went looking for Casper. He was in the main closet again, hiding in the clothes. He meandered out and sat in the bathroom for awhile again.

Izzy, Daisy, Toby & fish
Today Izzy came zooming into the laundry room to see me when I got inside again. She started meowing and rubbing up against my legs, then weaved back and forth through them as we walked to her room. I put in a different Taylor Swift cd for her today. She followed me around as I cleaned her litter boxes. I went and fed the fish right away, then came back to spend some time with Izzy. Today we had some fun playing with her feather ball! Later I went to go check on the pups. They actually startled me because they were right there at the door! They had both been sleeping in the doggie house on the porch. I got them each a treat and pet them for a bit. Meanwhile, Izzy was pawing on the window at me. I spent a little longer with Izzy before it was time to go.