Tonight the boys were unaware of the time change and they knew what time it was... time to eat! They were both waiting for me when I got there. Oreo met me at the door and Stuffy was staring at me through the railings. Oreo came to the kitchen to get his dinner while I tended to their other things. I got them a few more treats, then met the boys in the living room. Stuffy was ready for his fireplace, so I turned it on for him. Stuffy got out a couple treats, then he was done with that. He lounged by the fire and watched Oreo batting at the toy for awhile. Even Oreo gave up after a little bit. Oreo laid down and got his pets. He had his back to me so later he sat up and meowed at me that he wanted his chin scratches. Haha! Stuffy wasn't quite warm enough so he snuggled up closer to the fire.