Today was a cold and rainy day outside. I came in and opened the back door, then the ladies woke up and came out of their cozy house. They came inside and happily greeted me while I worked on getting their dinner for them. We went and sat on the couch for a bit and they each climbed up on either side of me. Roxy was enjoying some ear rubs while Sophie got her belly itched. They took turns squirming around and sprawling themselves out across my lap. Haha! After they settled down, the girls both went to go eat their food. Roxy went and laid on mom and dad's bed afterwards, while Sophie came to snuggle up with me.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Bella & Chico
This morning it was cold, windy and raining again. I let the pups out and they ran out to quickly do their business. Chico came back inside as quickly as he could. Miss Bella hung out on the patio under the covered part and looked around. She checked out her favorite corner a bit as well. Chico was busy working on his breakfast. Then, he went back to his cozy bed. He sure doesn't like this cold stuff! Miss Bella came in and worked on her breakfast next. She was scared of the grill cover flapping around again, so she hung out by me for the rest of the time, enjoying her snuggled and heiny scratches. This afternoon the rain hadn't let up yet. I let the pups out and Bella raced outside. Chico went out to the patio, but did not want to go out into the rain this time. I tried to get him to go out to go potty, but he didn't want to. He wanted back in the nice warm house! The pups spent most of the time inside this afternoon. Even Bella didn't want to go out much. They both ate a big lunch for me and came by for their pets. Before I left, I got them each their peanut butter snacks.
This morning Shadow met me at the door. He quickly ran into the pantry and stood in the box of water bottles while I got his morning treats out. He waited in his spot until I delivered his breakfast for him. While he was busy, I scooped his box. When I got back, he was ready for some attention. Shadow came and sat in my lap, then took turns snacking and coming back for more pets. The last time, he sat with his back up against me and decided it was time for a bath. Haha. This evening Shadow met me at the door as usual. I got him some dinner and got his treats out for him. When I returned from scooping his box, Shadow met me in the living room. He curled up in my lap right away. I guess the cold and rain was getting to him today too. He was all about the snuggles tonight! Shadow just sat in my lap, purring loudly and enjoying his pets. He sat there pretty much right up until it was time to go.
Panda, Nani, Tatty & Boo
This morning I saw the pups had played their games again last night! I had a good laugh as Boo was staring up at me from the middle crate. "What?" Haha. I will make sure to put her leftovers up at my last visit so Panda doesn't start getting too much extra food. I let the kids all out and they braved the cold and rain to do their business. They wandered around the dog room while I cleaned up beds and got their breakfast. Meanwhile, they were playing musical cages. Haha! They started all getting into the same one. What goofy pups. I got everyone sorted out and fed them breakfast. This afternoon it was still raining. Yuck. Miss Nani was snoozing when I got in. The other two were up and ready to head out. We all lined up and made our way out back. Nani didn't want to go out at first, but after a little convincing she did. When they came in, I got them more water and went to check on Tatty. She's doing alright, just still isn't ready to say hi. This evening I came to let the pooches out for their potty breaks. Boo was bouncy and excited. She cracks me up. Everyone went out back and did their thing. They got to wander around their room a little while I got them all new water. Panda would run up and shake his paw at me for some attention. Haha. Lastly, it was time to check on Tatty. She was in her usual spot. I knelt down and talked to her, trying to get her to come out. Maybe tomorrow.