This afternoon I let Ruby out of her bed. She had a boo boo in there, so she went racing to the living room. I called for her a few times, then she finally came out with Rusty and I. Lance was about ready to come out if she wasn't going to! Rusty was busy exploring around awhile, but Ruby went right back inside. After they did their business, we went in and I cleaned up her bed. She had snuggled herself up on the couch. Rusty was following me about. I sat and played with Lance and his mouse toy for a little bit. Rusty kept coming to me with his wiggly heiny, looking for a few pets! Later, I had the pups go outside with me again. Rusty then got his fetch time in.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Sadi & Stormy
This morning I got breakfast ready for the ladies. As I was carrying it back, I saw Sadi was sitting in the living room. I gave her a quick pet hello, then she slowly followed me back. Stormy was all snuggled on mom's bed. She got up and wandered over to say hi to me. I set Sadie in the litter box quick, then put her by the food when she came out. Since she didn't want to do either, I picked her up and we got her her medicine. I put her down, then headed for the living room. Since no one came following behind, I went back in the bedroom. Sadi was just sitting by the bed. I took her to the living room with me so she could be brushed. She liked that and purred away. Stormy wandered out for a couple minutes, but then she went back to mom's bed.
Iris, Panda, Phoebe & Boo
This morning, all was quiet in the house when I arrived. I heard the rustling of the pooches as they started to get ready for me. Iris did a great big stretch, then she and Panda followed me to go outside. Panda returned pretty quick. He hung out in the dog room with me, while I cleaned some of his left over food shrapnel from his bed. When Iris came back, I let the other two out and got them all some fresh food and their breakfast. Phoebe returned and went in her bed to eat, while Boo was still busy outside. Eventually, she came in as well, stopping by each crate to visit a minute. At lunch time, the first two made their way outside. They stayed out for awhile this time. I think the weather was just right! It wasn't too hot or too cold, so they decided to enjoy it a bit. Phoebe and Boo did the same, and spent a little while exploring the outdoors. At dinner, Panda and Iris were happily wiggling their heinies as they walked to the back door. I waited inside for them to return. Then, I heard a rustling coming from the other end of the kitchen. So, I went to see what they were up to. Panda and Iris were in the laundry room, goofing around! They stopped in their tracks when they finally noticed I was watching. Haha! Phoebe and Boo went out for their potty break next. I got Panda and Phoebe some new water, since theirs was a bit slobbery. This evening I opened Panda and Iris's crates. Panda came trotting out, but Iris hung out for a minute. Panda was sitting and pawing at my legs. "C'mon lady, let's go!" Iris finally stretched and made her way out. I got Iris and Boo some fresh water while they were busy. They came in and I opened the doors for Phoebe and Boo. No one wanted to go out tonight! They both kind of looked at me, like "what?". Phoebe came out and this time she was the one to paw at me. I pet her a minute, but then I realized Boo wasn't going to follow us. So, I followed Phoebe out, then came back in to try and coax Boo out. I don't know what her deal was. Silly girl! She came out, then stopped and looked at me. I'd crouch down and she would come running, but then would be stuck in her tracks again. Once we made it to the laundry room, then she realized maybe she did have to go potty. Haha!