Sunday, March 6, 2011
Kita & Kitten
Ally, Prissy & Daisy
This morning when I arrived, Ally had moved one chair down!! She immediately jumped down and came over to me and rubbed her head against my hand! We then went on a little hunt for Prissy and found her relaxing on a stool on the sun! She purred as I scratched her head and posed for a pretty picture!! The up the stairs I went to say hello to Daisy. She was relaxing on the second floor, but came down the ramp, knowing it was time to play!! She ran around the room, through her tunnel and even jumped on top of the bed!! After she got tired of hopping around, she came over to me and enjoyed some scratches behind her ears. Then it was off to play, dashing through her tunnel and down the side of the wall to the big pillow. She knocked that over and played hide-n-seek again!! It's so funny how at times you can only see her little ears in the corner!! It was time for me to go, so I got Daisy settled back in with her fresh water, food, hay and a few treats! I went down to say goodbye to Ally and Prissy. I gave each a few scratches then I was off! Thanks for the fun, see you next time!!