Today I surprised Char when I came in. She came running as soon as she heard me, and talked to me all the way. She followed me around while I took care of their things. She rubbed up against me the whole time I cleaned their boxes. I went out to give Tilly some fresh food and water. I didn't get to see Tilly today either. I looked around the yard just in case, then headed inside. Z was hiding under the bed again today, and was comfy enough that she didn't come out to explore at all. Char happily took all my attention again. She got pet for a little bit, then I grabbed her string toy. She was a little lazy today and spent most of the time just chillin' on her side. She would stick out a paw at the string, occasionally catching it. Later, she made me laugh as she was thumping her tail slowly on the floor and staring at the string. She watched it go this way and that. Then... attack! She raced over and pounced on it. After we played awhile, she got a little more lovey time in.