This morning Stormy was lounging on the back of the couch. She hopped up and followed me to the bedroom. Sadi was curled up and sleeping in her bed. I dropped the food off so Stormy could get to work. I woke miss Sadi up for her medicine. She joined Stormy when she was finished, and they both ate for awhile. I cleaned up their box while I waited for them. I took Sadi to the living room for her brushing time. Stormy followed, and sat nearby to groom herself. I got her shoe string out and had her playing with that awhile. This evening Stormy was curled up at the end of mom's bed, and Sadi was snuggled up in her usual spot. I got her little nose cleaned up and gave her her evening meds. She went to have a little drink when she was done. Stormy yawned and reached out a paw in my direction, so I stopped to give her a little chin scratch.