This evening I came in and Oreo was making his way to the stairs. He came running down and met me in the kitchen, ready to eat. I scooped their box quick, then headed to the living room. Oreo was already sitting there waiting for me. I noticed their treat toy was on the floor, so I wondered if he'd gotten it down himself. Then, I realized the cleaning lady had been by today, so she must have put it down for them. They sure enjoyed it, because it was empty and the little ear treats were gone too! Haha. Oreo was happy for his attention time. He was quite lovey again, rubbing his face on my leg and even holding onto my foot with his paws. Silly kitty. After he'd had plenty of pets and chin scratches, I made my way upstairs to see Stuffy. He meowed at me a few times as I was coming in. He laid on his side so I could give him some tummy scratches.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
This afternoon Oscar met me at the end of the hallway. He was in the middle of a big stretch! He pranced around happily while I said hi and gave him his heiny scratches. Then, we headed out back. Oscar went right out to the grass and plopped down to do some sunbathing. He laid there for awhile, then got up to go explore around the yard. He found another cozy spot in the grass to lay awhile longer. We chased around for a couple minutes, then it was time to head inside. Oscar did a couple tricks for me to get his afternoon snack.
This morning I came in and went to get Noell's bowl. I heard her come racing in through her kitty door. She met up with me in her room and started meowing at me. She tagged along as I went to the kitchen to get her breakfast. Noell sat behind me and watched while I scooped her box. As soon as I was about to put the lid back on, she hopped in and did her business. "Hold on, I got one more to scoop." Haha! We went out to the living room and got some play time in. She chased her fishy around, then had fun rolling around on her back.