This evening I came in and met Oreo in the kitchen. He worked on his dinner while I scooped their box. Stuffy was hanging out in bed, so I stopped to say hi. Oreo and I went to our spot in the living room and he was ready for some attention. He was loving up some chin rubs! Stuffy came in shortly after and sat on the other side of me for his attention time too. Both boys purred away. Stuffy eventually got up and moved further away to sit and relax. Oreo went to snack on some food, then I heard him go to the entryway to check out my shoes. He later returned and plopped down next to me for some more pets. Before I left, I went to fill up their treat toy for them to play with after I was gone. Oreo really wanted his snacks! He hopped up on the counter next to me as I was filling it! Haha.