Friday, May 21, 2010

Dakota & Benny

Benny was just as happy to see me tonight as he was this afternoon. I let them both out back to play. Kota was busy giving me lots of kisses! Benny grabbed a ball and I tossed it for him... when he'd let me! Otherwise he rolled over and I pet his tummy or scratched his back for him. Kota chased after him a few times, but mostly stayed with me. I grabbed a squeaky bone and then she was ready to play! She caught it and ran around with it, squeaking and tossing it around. Later she ran around the back side of the pool, so I went back to see what she was up to. She picked up something and tossed it, so I got to it before she did again. I'm not sure what you call it, as we didn't have these up north where I'm originally from. It was a dead (crawfish/crawdad?) miniature lobster! I got rid of it so she couldn't get at it again. When we came inside, Kota finished off her food for supper and I tossed the blue ball around with Benny. He really wanted to stay outside!


I got inside before Capone got to the door today. He followed me into the kitchen for his supper. His dish was missing the tray and pushed into the middle of the floor. The tray was laying about a foot away. After he ate his supper, he followed me into the living room. He laid on the floor for awhile as I pet him. I scratched the kitty post and he ran to it and scratched at it! I gave him a treat for being such a good boy! We played with the laser light again today, but he wasn't as ambitious to chase after it. I got his frog and he chewed on that for awhile. Later, we played with the little feathers on the string. He loved that!
"Look! I'm scratching.... now where's my treat?"

Dakota & Benny

Benny was running laps today when I came in. I got in his way on accident and he almost plowed into my legs! They were ready to go today, and started right away with their racing. They both got pretty tired and were panting pretty heavily. We weren't even half way yet! So, I decided to take a shorter route today with our walk. We got back a little early so they could have a drink and cool down. Then we played out in the backyard for a little while. Benny got his belly all muddy in no time! I hosed him down and dried him off before we went inside. Kota had some lunch before it was time to go.