This morning the roosters were doing their morning call back and forth to each other! The kitties were both waiting to see me when I got inside. I got them their breakfast right away, then went to go find Piglet. She was sprawled out on the.floor in the bedroom and didn't even hear me come in! I softly called her name, so as not to scare her. She sat up and was still a little groggy. She enjoyed a nice belly scratch while she woke up a bit. Piglet followed me around a lot this morning. It was chilly and foggy out though, so she waited while I tended to the chickens. When I came back, I had her stick it out with me for a short walk. The kitties got a few pets and scratches, and Piglet her treat, before I left. This evening had turned out to be just gorgeous! Piglet was at her post, waiting for my arrival. She came to the door to say hi, then waited on her bed while I got dinner together for everyone. The chickens were gathered at the door again, waiting for their evening snack and yummy bugs. As soon as the mealworms hit the ground, there was a flash of feathers to get them all! Tonight Piglet and I got to take a nice long walk. She enjoyed it this time, now that it was nice out, and she even had a little skip in her step. She will be happy to have an even nicer day tomorrow for more walks!