Chelsea was a sleepy little girl when I came to see her! She got up and slowly made her way to say hi. She wiggled her heiny and off to the kitchen we went! It was too chilly for a walk this morning. I could tell she would've been happy to go though! I fed her breakfast and sat with her while she ate. She ate most of it but saved a little to snack on later. We sat in the living room and she snuggled up with me. She kept getting close and resting her head on me like she was giving me hugs! Chelsea rolled over for me and got her nice belly rub. She pawed at me for more! She sat up and put her paw in my hand. Then, she ran excitedly to the kitchen. She thought she needed a treat for that! I got her a couple. :) She worked on her breakfast a little more and got a couple more treats before it was time to go. I turned on her music and let her go back to her nap. Thanks for the Christmas card! I love her little pawprint in there!!

Can you tell what I want?
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