This morning I had little Gracie jumping at my legs to say hi! I let them both outside quick before they ate their breakfast. Jack came and laid by me for awhile so he could get a back rub. Gracie was having a blast chasing and sliding down the hall after her hedgehog! Jack wanted to play too so he started chasing behind Gracie. Then it turned into their little wrestling match! One time Jack stuck his nose under Gracie's belly and flipped her right over! She hopped right back up and went after his ears. They are so funny! This afternoon while they went potty, I looked for a second leash. They were excited to see that we were going for a walk! They could hardly contain themselves. Gracie was so happy to get going that she kept pullin when I was trying to lock up. She thought we were going right back in! We went for a nice walk around the neighborhood. They each got a yummy treat when we got home! Tonight I let them outside right away. They both came running as fast as they could to get their dinner! I grabbed their water bowl to refill it and Gracie had to come along with me. I guess she only likes to eat when I'm with her! They spent a good amount of time wrestling around after supper. When I was going to leave, Jack thought he was coming along with me! I gave them each a couple treats and told them mom and dad would be home soon!
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