Today Patches was ready for his dinner! He hopped up on the counter and would keep jumping back up every time I'd set him down. The other two smelled the aroma from the food and came in the kitchen to meow at me. Patches got his food and when the others were following me out, he swatted at Clovis! Little booger... Clovis didn't want to go out after that, so I brought the food into the bedroom for her. When Snickers was finished, he ran around to the front of the house. He started rolling around in the dirt! I finally got him back inside and he spent the rest of the time sitting under the table. Patches was kind enough to use the litter box right after I finished cleaning it again today! Silly boy. I went to go pick up Clovis's plate and heard a little meow. She was sitting on the bathroom sink. Patches got a chin rub before I left.
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