This morning everyone worked on their breakfast when I arrived. It was so nice and warm out already! We went into the yard and I played a little fetch with Harley. Miss Zoey did her silly little dance as she ran over to give me kisses! Later I went to sit on the patio with her. Harley got jealous and was trying to climb through the sides of the chair to get on my lap (since that's the way Zoey came up)! I'm amazed she didn't get herself stuck! Tut wandered out with us a little while, but decided he didn't want to stay out. I let Jack out through the garage before I left. He will enjoy the gorgeous day! This afternoon I came in to find Tut lounging away comfortably on a chair in the living room. He came out with the dogs and I for awhile. Harley and Wyatt did a little chasing, then they each settled down with their own toy. Zoey just laid out in the grass and enjoyed the warm afternoon. This evening Harley and Wyatt did quite a few laps around the yard. Zoey snuggled up in the chair with me while they were busy. Tut was outside with us and he got caught up in all the action! Harley and Wyatt started chasing after him, so he ran up into the hammock tree. He sat at the little nook just barely above where they could reach! I got Harley to fetch her soccer ball for me, so we played with that for a bit too. They should all sleep well tonight!