Blackie was happy to see me as usual this morning! He worked on his breakfast while I let the other three outside. Next it was their turn! Sparkles came to visit with me again while they were busy eating. She was super snuggly today! Hudson got jealous when he was done eating and tried to chase her away. He then claimed my lap for awhile. Zel worked on her bone for a few minutes, then she and Gabbie curled up on the couch together. Sparkles was nearby, watching for her chance to come by me again. She was able to while Hudson snuggled with the girls for a bit. He of course, noticed soon and chased her off again. I let Hudson outside again, and had to carry the girls out because they didn't want to go back into the cold! After they went potty for me again, I let the little shivering ladies back inside right away. Blackie kept running from one side of the house to the other! He wasn't sure what door I would come out of next, so he had to race to find out. He's such a sweetie pie. I went back out to get Hudson, and saw he was frozen in a pose at the other end of the yard. He was so focused on whatever he was looking at, that he wouldn't even look at me when I called for him! I had to go out and fetch him. He was looking at the neighbor "Blackie". While I was cleaning off his paws to go in, his Blackie was nudging his nose at my arm trying to get my attention!

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