This morning the kitties were dancing around my feet, ready to go outside. They ran outside while I was letting the pups out. Harley, Wyatt and Zoey got busy working on their breakfast while I cleaned up the yard a bit. Afterwards, Harley got some fetch time in. Wyatt had fun chasing her around again, as she played keep away with the kong toy. So, while they were keeping each other entertained, I spent some one on one time with Zoey. She curled up in the chair with me and snuggled up to keep warm. She gave me plenty of kisses in return for attention. This afternoon Tut hung around with us in the backyard while the pups played. Wyatt found the tennis ball and kept a close paw on that almost the whole time! Harley kept me busy kicking her soccer ball around for her. She made me laugh when she was kicking it around with her paws! Little Zoey spent some time laying out in the sun, then she curled up on her chair on the patio. As soon as I opened the door this evening, Jack jumped outside just before I closed it behind me. It definitely took me by surprise! I went over and let the puppies outside. Wyatt and Harley couldn't stop jumping up to say hello and give me hugs. They finally went and took care of their business. I played some soccer with Harley after that. Then I noticed Wyatt and Zoey were all cuddled up on the couch in the sunroom. I went in to join them and Harley wanted to steal all the attention. I sat with the three of them and got smothered with kisses. They seemed like they were about ready to go in, so we headed inside for a treat before bedtime. Once all the puppies were in their beds, Tut came out to see me.

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