This afternoon Bootsie was standing at the door as I let the pups outside. He followed me and wanted some attention. He rolled around on the ground next to me, stretching his paws out towards me. Bootsie was giving me little love nips on my knee to remind me to keep petting him! The dogs would zoom by us once in awhile. Buckley laid in the shade and chewed on his squeaky toy. The other three took turns coming to visit me in between their mad dashes to either side of the yard. Chloe laid by her tree and stared up at it for quite awhile. Later this evening I let the pooches out again and watched as they all raced for a flock of birds that were sitting in the yard! Bootsie came out and got some more attention. Then he sat by the pool gate for awhile and just observed everything. The boys were having fun chasing each other and wrestling around tonight. Later, we saw a dog running around loose. That kept the dogs very entertained! They all even started howling together. When it was time, we headed in and got them their snacks again. They've been very good puppies!

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