This morning after the pups ate their delicious breakfast, they decided to gang up and monkey pile on me! They attacked me with kisses and everything! I was laughing so hard. Then Oliver kept doing that thing where he shoves his nose in my hair. May was just really excited, and jumping up on my lap excitedly, demanding my attention. After that, May grabbed her little fox toy and started playing with it. Oliver thought it was a good idea and grabbed the next nearest toy and shaking it. They chewed on their toys for a good while. This afternoon they were lined up behind the door when I arrived. May made her way around Oliver so she could jump up and give my hand kisses. They followed me to the kitchen and I gave them each a treat. They took them graciously and wandered off. Then they came back and it was attack of the smooches again! Then Oliver grabbed the fox toy, shook it, then launched it at me! This evening they were waiting patiently inside the door for me again. I came in and they anxiously followed me around while I got their supper ready. They quickly ate up every kibble. Then it was time for more kisses. When May got bored, or tired, she wandered off to the bedroom to take a nap. Oliver stayed with me in the living room for some loving. He curled up into a tiny ball and put his head on my lap, and went to sleep. Then before I had to go, Oliver jumped up and gave me a huge hug. He's almost the same height as me when he stands on his hind legs! Then I said goodbye to May too.

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