Friday, November 25, 2011

Piglet, Echo, Zephyr, Tony & Chickens

This morning the kitties got pet for a minute before their breakfast. Tony and the chickens were fed next. I have to laugh every time I go out there. One certain chicken likes to collect all the golf balls! So, when I get the eggs I spread them out in the nests, and when I return she has about four of them again! They all enjoyed picking up their lettuce pieces as quickly as they could get to them. Piglet was on the bedroom floor by the door, wide awake and waiting for me! She got a nice long tummy rub before she hopped up and took me for a walk. When we came back I had left her leash on for a minute. I turned around and Zephyr was playfully pawing at the end of it! This evening miss Piglet was eagerly awaiting my arrival. She left her post at the window to meet me at the front door. I got her dinner, then tended to the chickens. Everyone was all huddled in the coop tonight. They must not like the wind too much! I got them fed and tucked in. Now it was time for our walk! Piglet was a happy girl tonight, bouncing along as we went. She would come up to me and stop me for a pet now and again too. Back inside I played with the feather toy with the kitties for a little bit, while Piglet ate supper. She eagerly waited at the gate for me to get her her bedtime treat!

1 comment:

  1. I know, that chicken is crazy! We are so glad piglet is enjoying your visits and you are getting plenty of walks ;-) You are right the chickens dont seem to like the strong winds that we have there.... It ruffles their fuzzy butts! LOL
