When I arrived this morning I found Bradford and ZZ hanging out in the front yard. I was so confused, but I quickly scrambled them up and brought them inside. I found the rest of the pack in the backyard. Sure enough, they had moved a few bricks and dug a small escape hole in the backyard. Surprisingly they were the only two that got out. Once that was all figured out, it was feeding time. I filled all their bowls and put them outside but only Nigel and Sugar would go out. It was cold and windy out, and the others refused. They were probably thinking "We just came in!" So I filled the bowls inside and they all snacked. I sat down until they were all finished. ZZ was attached at my hip ever since I brought him inside. He was such a cuddler. He also took his pill like a champ! Heighty kept bringing me a toy to throw for her, then Sugar would try to come and steal it. When Nigel wanted some attention he would just sit next to me and put his face right upto mine. It was so funny! Bradford came and gave me kisses every now and then, then Heighty would be a copycat. Also, both of the kitties came out to say hi for a bit.

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