This morning I found Abbie snoozing in her little puppy bed. She ran as fast as she could to come see me. We went out so she could go potty quick, then she bolted back to the door. Then she followed me to the laundry room, ready for her breakfast. I started preparing all their food and seconds later I looked down and saw Abbie and Guinevere sitting by my feet, staring at me. It was so cute. They were always the first to come eat. I put out everyones food and all the kitties came out to eat. Even Tabitha walked right past me and hopped up on the counter to eat. This afternoon, Abbie met me in the hallway. We headed outside with her coat on and everything, but she was shivering almost instantly and wanted to go back in when she was done. I put fresh water in all the bowls and took care of the litter pans. After that, Abbie hopped up on the couch with me and cuddled for a bit, giving me lots of kisses. This evening it was raining before I arrived, so Abbie had to get her little paws wet when we went out. She didn't seem to mind at all. It was supper time when we got back inside. This time it was Abbie and Tabitha waiting in the doorway for me to give them their meals. Abbie scarfed down her food, while the kitties took their time. I sat with Abbie when she was done. She ate fast, so she was stuffed and layed down by me.

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