This morning I saw Angel sitting in the living room for a split second. She saw me, then ran for her hiding place under the couch. I got Bruno out, then he, Buddy and I went for our long morning walk. When we got back home, the kitties got their yummy food. A.C. was already waiting by the food bowl. Aspen was in the kitchen, so A.C. got a head start this time. This afternoon I came in to a leaky water heater. I found a pot to replace the little cup, which was quickly overflowing, and took the rug outside to hang dry. Buddy didn't like that at all. He wouldn't come in the laundry room and cried while I got Bruno ready, because he really wanted to go! I went up by him, attached his leash and got him to come with me. We went for a slightly shorter walk than usual, so I could get back to the leak. Aspen was curious, so he came and watched me! He and Bruno sat on the rug together. It was so cute! This evening I took the boys outside, then we came back in. I sat in the kitchen so Buddy could get some attention too. Aspen came and curled up on my jacket. He purred and rubbed up against my back, and loved every minute of being pet! Bruno ran off to get his duck. We played a long game of fetch with that in the kitchen.

hello me again hey angel really is timid a lot but if she gets to know someone she will show herself so think of seeing a challenge you most complete also beware of bruno barking he sometimes barks for no obivous reasons and aspen careful he has puss in boot's eyes very deadly maia