Abbie quickly ran around the corner to see me this morning. I put on her collar and her little coat, then we headed out into the rain. She wanted to go back in right after because the rain was really cold on her little feet. We went back in and I started making all their food. I put out everyone's meals, left to give the bird some fresh water, and when I came back, Guinevere and Abbie had traded their meals! I quickly swapped them out, then they continued to chow down, but on their own food this time. Tabitha came and said hi to me after she had eaten. This afternoon, Abbie didn't come running right away. I called for her and she came out of the bedroom way at the end of the hall. She was probably keeping the birdie company. I put on her little jacket and we headed out. She went potty and stretched then ran back to the door. I left her coat on because she was shivering when we got back in. Then we got cozy on the couch and little Abbie fell asleep right next to me. This evening Abbie came running upto me, snorting from breathing so excitedly. She was too cute. After I took her potty, it was supper time. Sonny sat patiently in the kitchen waiting, while the other three sat right outside the laundry room. I gave everyone their food, but Abbie just sat and watched the kitties eat, waiting for them to walk away so she could have at it. She saw I was watching, then went to her food. Once the kitties were done, Abbie gladly licked their plates clean. After that, I sat on the couch and she hopped on my lap, facing me and giving me kisses every now and then.