This morning was raining when I arrived. I went in to get Echo and Zephyr their breakfast and clean their boxes. Outside, the chickens were all huddled in the coop still, nice and dry. Once I started spreading the scratch and lettuce, they all ran out to go eat. Piglet was laying by the door in the bedroom again. She automatically rolled to her side, "Belly rub please!". I scratched her tummy for awhile since I didn't think we would be outside long. I gave her a big kiss on the head and then we headed to the living room. It was still raining, so she definitely didn't want to stay out. I would've taken her anyway, but she didn't want to go. I took her on a short walk around the patio to the side of the house so she had a chance to go potty. This evening sweet Piglet met me at the door and was excited to see me. I think she was missing her walk from this morning, because she was crying a little when I was getting food ready for the chickens. I went out to feed them and tuck them in for the night. They were already inside and out of the wind again. Zephyr was sitting in the window by the back door when I returned. I asked Piglet if she was ready, then she came bouncing over by me. We went for a nice long walk since the rain had stopped. She seemed energetic, so I started to run with her. She just thought that was so much fun! At first she galloped next to me, then would stop in front of me and bark for a quick pet. After a little while, she led the way and set the pace. We ran the rest of the way back! Back inside, we sat by the kitchen and I gave her hugs and tummy scratches. As I was leaving, she thought she was coming with me! I told her I would love to, but I know mom would miss her way too much. Then I told her that mom and dad would be back soon! So, she went to sit by the window and watch for them to come home.

Awwww my baby girl! We are on our way...almost home to you. Thanks so much for the daily updates....they really put my mind at ease and I have been eager every day to see what mt babies have been up to.