This morning it was misting on and off when I arrived. Buddy came and snuggled up to me while I got Bruno leashed. I gave him a big hug! I got Bruno all bundled up, then we headed outside. The mist had stopped, so I thought we would go for our long walk. Bruno wasn't too sure at first, but then he finally was ready. We turned back when it started to rain. Suddenly, it started to downpour! We couldn't run very fast with Bruno's little legs, so I scooped him up. Buddy and I ran the rest of the way home! Buddy had a blast! I was laughing so hard. All three of us were completely soaked.Bruno ran around being silly once we got inside with his funny hairdo. I fed the kitties, then the boys. This afternoon the ground was very wet still, but the rain had let up. I got the boys ready and we were going to take another walk. This time, Bruno just did not want to go, so we headed back. Instead, we sat in the kitchen together while Bruno played fetch. Aspen came over and curled up next to me on my jacket. Eventually he worked his way onto my lap. He just purred away! Buddy came for another hug. He was snuggly today too. This evening I took the boys out to potty quick. Bruno worked on his supper while I cleaned litter boxes. Then, I sat by A.C. for awhile. A.C. hissed at both Aspen and Bruno any time they would try to steal my attention. Bruno played some fetch until it was time for bed.

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