I could hear the pups barking as I walked up, but this time no one was at the door waiting! They must have been outside and heard me though, because they suddenly all came running! We went outside, then they all piled on my lap to say hi! Sammy and Molly didn't stay long. But soon they all were running to the fence to check out a noise. Molly and Couper chased and wrestled around for awhile. Gracie was in the corner relaxing in the shade. Soon after, Couper and Molly joined her! Sammy climbed up and took his turn with me for awhile until Couper and Gracie tool over. They both sat and took turns giving my face a bath! Haha! After some more running around and relaxing in the shade, it was finally time for dinner. They all lined up in the kitchen and watched while I got it ready. Couper was the last to finish, so Sammy sat and watched for a chance to steal a kibble! Molly curled up on the couch and Gracie climbed into my lap as I sat on the floor. She kept sticking her tongue out, trying to kiss me. Then she rolled over for a tummy rub. Later when it was time to go, they lined up for their treats!
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