As I opened the door this afternoon, there Louis was, sprawled out on the cool cement, with his tail wagging! Leaving her favorite spot in the shade, Susie wandered over to say hello too! After a bunch of scratches, I filled up their bowls, gave them their vitamins andthen it was time to eat! They each took turns eating; Louis eating first, while Susie went back to her spot in the shade. I went over to visit her and scratched her belly. After he was done, Louis came over for some scratches too! I learned it was important to pet both of them at the same time, as Louis told me so with his low bark and a smile on his face! It was hilarious! Susie then took her turn enjoying some dinner. Then she came back to the yard and they chased each other around for awhile, until they both got tired and plopped down in the shade, where I took a cute picture! I tried to get Louis to play with the ball, but as you can see by the picture, he wasn't really in the mood! Maybe tomorrow?! I gave each a few more scratches and said my goodbyes until tomorrow!
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