This morning Bailey was outside peeking at me through the fence! He got all excited when he saw me and ran into the house. He and Baxter were both jumping up and down at the front door! Bailey had gotten all the blankets down again, so I put them in the laundry room and shut the door. He had dragged one of the dog beds outside through the doggie door too! I got everything back in it's place and refilled their food dishes. The boys did a lot of wrestling around this morning. They each grabbed their own toy and carried it around, then gave them to me to throw for them. We headed outside for a little bit, where Bailey did some rolling around in the grass. I had noticed there were some new bricks in the gap by the gate, and while we were out back I think I found where the little dogs got through! I'm thinking Bailey was carrying around the loose board in the corner because today it was laying in the middle of the yard! I put it back and then we went inside again to get their treats before I left. This evening I tried to sneak in to see what they were up to, but Bailey heard me so they both came running to the door! We've been working on having Bailey sit for attention. He seems to slowly be catching on! He was full of energy tonight so we put him outside for a bit so Baxter and I could have some one-on-one time. Baxter came over, heiny wagging away to get his back scratching! After awhile though, he seemed to miss his friend and went to sit by the door. Next, Bailey got some one-on-one time with the brush! That wasn't too productive since he kept rolling over and giving me his less hairy tummy! While we were out there, we had a little visitor! The neighbor dog came through the fence in the corner since the board was down again. I got him back home, then put the board back up, getting it to stick this time. The boys came in with me and got their bedtime snack. Bailey quickly finished his and ran to the front door with me.
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