Kota seemed to still be feeling better this afternoon when I came for our walk. She ran to the front door and waited for me, singing her song! It was a very nice day for us to take a long walk. We had a visitor today. Some people were outside with their pup, having a garage sale. Their little dachshund saw us and ran across the street, right in front of a car! Scared me to death! Luckily they saw him and stopped, and the pup ran back home. Kota was busy watching the robins today, while Benny was saying hi to his friends. Since it was so nice out, there were more dogs outside! One of his friends wasn't out though, so he stopped to wait and see if he would come out. No luck, so we went on out way. Kota and Benny were pretty tired. Kota had lunch when we got back home while Benny crashed on the nice cool tile!
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I'm pooped!
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