This morning all the pups came to greet me when I came in. They headed outside to go potty before breakfast. When they came in they lined up, ready to eat! Presley wanted me to pet her a little before she ate. She walked over and nudged my hand with her nose! Callie was the first finished. I noticed this morning that she was limping, poor little girl! I will keep an eye on that. After they all were done, we headed back outside to play. Presley was bouncing around, then running up to me excitedly! She rolled around while Ziggy tackled her again. This afternoon was nice, warm and sunny out, so we played outside for most of our visit! Callie was putting more weight on her foot, so she must be feeling a little better. Presley ran around all over the place and even said hi to the neighbor dogs. Callie was busy sniffing around, so Presley had to come check it out once in awhile. Little Ziggy was doing his own thing, just trotting around. He's so cute! When everyone was starting to get hot, we headed inside so they could cool off and get a drink. This evening the pups all went out potty while I got their supper ready. Callie was walking around even better than this afternoon, but still limping a little. I think she'll be better tomorrow! After dinner they lined up for a treat. Callie kept standing on her back legs for hers! After supper we sat in the living room. Presley was rolling around next to me, getting her tummy scratched. Callie curled up in my lap, while Ziggy was trotting around the house. Eventually Ziggy curled up in a blanket by the chair. Presley would nudge my hand with her nose and paw at me if I stopped petting her! I fed the fishies and told the pups goodnight and see you in the morning!
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