This afternoon I came in and Presley barked at me a couple times before running to her corner. I went in to see the little ones after reading the note. I opened the laundry room door and Ziggy and Callie decided to roam around the house. Surprisingly, Presley was the first to go outside, even with me standing there. She was sure to keep an eye on me though! The other two went outside later. Once Presley came back in she went right for her corner. I sat on the floor with a couple treats in hand. Callie had no problem snuggling up to me and even rolled around on the floor for a belly rub! Ziggy ran around and sniffed all over the house. Presley came up to me and took her treat out of my hand, then quickly went back to her bed and watched me. I put the little ones back in their room before I left. For my next visit, I let all three pups outside. The sun had come out, it had stopped raining and even warmed up a little, so we spent most of the time outside! Presley was running around the yard happily. Once in awhile she would zoom over to me, smell my hand then quick run off again. She was trying to look for something up in the trees and would stand up against them. Callie and Ziggy were also exploring. I sat on the cement, and you will never believe it! In no time, Presley was sitting right up against me, getting her back scratched. She would run off to see what Callie was sniffing at, but would come right back. She even gave me lots of kisses on my face! Later we headed inside for their supper. Presley was a little hesitant to eat hers, but I picked up a few kibbles, which she ate from my hand. Then finally she got to working on her dinner. Afterwards, we all sat in the living room and they got more attention. By the end of my second visit, Presley was actually pretty clingy to me! This evening I came in and let all the pups outside right away. Presley was galloping around the yard, then would come over and run a circle around me! She rolled over in the grass and Callie and Ziggy tackled her. They are so funny! We spent most of the time outside since they were having fun! We headed inside and I got them a couple treats, which they all lined up for. Next, I fed the fishies their dinner. Then we all sat in the living room and they all got back scratches! Callie curled up in my lap, with Ziggy on one side and Presley rolled over next to me for a tummy rub! I left the little ones out to roam and told them all goodnight.
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