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Monday, February 28, 2011
Dakota & Benny
This afternoon Benny was zoom-zooming around the living room when I got there. Kota talked away as I got them ready! Today we passed a little girl outside with her mom. She said, "Hi doggies! Momma look at the cute doggies! Awwww!". She was quite the cutie pie. We had some new dogs outside in their yards along the way, or at least ones we haven't seen in a long time. Kota and Benny both got excited! Benny barked and Kota jumped up and started running! Once we got home I let them play in the backyard for a few minutes. They came in and Kota worked on a little lunch.
Ethel, Lew, Danner, Jenny & Fiona

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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Ethel, Lew, Danner, Jenny & Fiona

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Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Bailey's little tail was wagging a mile a minute when I came in tonight! I let her out potty quick, then fed her dinner. After she finished she went right to the kitchen and bounced around, wanting her treats! We played in the living room with her toys for a bit. She jumped down on her front legs and was talking to me! I hid a treat in my pocket and it didn't take long for her to find it. Afterwards, she kept sticking her nose in my pocket looking for more! She gave me a couple kisses, then would run into the kitchen and peek around the corner at me. I gave Bailey some more treats before I left.
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Ethel, Lew, Danner, Jenny & Fiona
This morning the gang went outside to stretch their legs in the backyard. Lew, Fiona and Jenny all went racing around! Lew decided to crawl through the fence on me. He was right there with everyone else when it was time for breakfast though! After they ate I gave them their treats. Jenny didn't catch hers, so Fiona quickly scooped it up. After cleaning I got a bunch of kisses from everyone. Fiona suddenly ran into the laundry room, pounced on the pillow and carried it into the living room! This evening someone had decided to play with the contents of the basket. Everything was strewn about! Fiona was prancing around carrying a plastic cup. I'm guessing I know who the culprit is! I let them all go potty out back quick before dinner. After I cleaned up they got their treats. This time several were having trouble catching their treats, so some got a couple! I let them all run around outside in the backyard for awhile. Fiona and Lew were exploring around by the fence. Jenny ran off the porch to go join them! When they came in they got pet for a bit, then got some more treats! Oh and thanks everyone for the people treats! They are quickly disappearing!
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Friday, February 25, 2011
Ethel, Danner, Jenny, Lew & Fiona

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Dakota & Benny
This afternoon was much chillier out than we've had in awhile. Kota and Benny were ready to go! Benny could hear the neighbor dogs barking as I got them leashed up. He was getting excited and talked back to them. Kota and Benny were racing each other at the start as usual. It was a pretty quiet day. Not too many of Benny's friends were out today. We got a long walk in and I let them run around out back for a couple minutes when we got home. Kota took a couple nibbles of food, then went to lay in her kennel. This evening I let them run around in the backyard. Kota almost didn't want to go out since she was too busy smelling other dogs on me! Benny heard some dogs barking out there so he had fun zooming around. There were a bunch of people outside back behind the house that kept Kota interested as well. She would run around, then stop to listen for them. I let Benny in to dry off his paws first. Kota was opening the door but couldn't keep it open long enough to get through! Once it was her turn, Benny was barking and running at her, being a little instigator!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tyler, Emma, Lacey & Luke

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Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon the pups were ready to go outside. Once they got out there and saw it was raining, everyone quickly went potty and were ready to come right back in. Jimmy was happy to see me and was bouncing up and down for me to pet him. They ran around inside for a bit and each worked on having some lunch. I gave them a treat and put them back to bed when it was time to go.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
MmThis afternoon was so nice out! I let everyone outside right away. The boys ran around and were on the hunt for critters. Sugar lounged around in the sun. They all got to spend the afternoon outside. Tonight the kiddos were running back and forth from the fence to the back door when I arrived! I let them all in and got them their meds and snack. I gave Buddy a little of the potatoes and saved the rest for his morning meds, since it seems to work so well. Jimmy and Sugar got some chicken and rice. Afterwards, they each took turns having their dry food dinner. Sugar and Jimmy snuggled up with me for awhile. Later, Jimmy decided he wanted to play. He ran and got his white teddy bear toy. We played fetch with that. It was so cute! He'd gallop across the room, pounce on it, then shake it around as he brought it back. Buddy took this time to have his turn to be pet. When it was time, they all got their bedtime snack.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon I let the pups outside to play. The sun was so nice and warm! After a good roll in the grass, Jimmy found a nice spot next to the house to sprawl out and soak up some sun. Buddy was roaming around and digging in the dirt. I think I even saw him eating some! Sugar came to get pet, then she sat in the sun for a few minutes before she decided she wanted back in. Tonight the pups greeted me at the door. They went potty and came in for their meds and potatoes! That seems to be working really well. Shhhh! Don't tell Buddy I said that! Afterwards Jimmy snuggled up with me while the other two took turns eating dinner. Buddy didn't want Jimmy near the food bowl, and Jimmy didn't want Buddy taking me away either. They're so silly! Buddy came over and got pet and later Sugar hopped up for some snuggling too.
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Dakota & Benny
This afternoon the sun was shining nice and warm. Benny was zooming around with his ball in the living room while I let Kota out. They were pretty excited for their walk today and started off with a run for the first little bit! Benny had fun talking to his friends and he even told the cars that passed by who's boss! We got a nice long walk in and they got tired towards the end. As we walked up to the house I noticed Benny's ball laying on the porch. I guess he snuck it out!
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Crash & Genny
This morning Genny was carrying around her frog toy when I got there. They went outside for a few minutes and came back inside. After their morning treat, Genny snuggled up to get her back and heiny scratched. Crash was busy giving me kisses and trying to get me to chase him. Genny would paw at me if I stopped petting her! Crash wanted to go out again, and Genny followed shortly after. They both laid in the grass and just enjoyed the outdoors. One would perk up their head and look one direction, so then the other would look to see too. I gave them a couple treats again and told them mom and dad would be home soon!
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Monday, February 21, 2011
Dakota & Benny
This afternoon was much chillier than our days together last week! Kota and Benny were still ready to go. Benny tried bringing his ball along with us, so I tossed it back inside. Today Kota saw a flattened beer can laying on the grass, crouched down and was ready to pick it up and throw it in the air! I got her away before she could get it though. Benny barked at some flags that were flapping in the wind. Later, Kota found a cherry sucker and gave it a little lick as we passed by! She had a little lunch after we got home while I tossed the ball with Benny for a few minutes.
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Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon I let everyone outside when I arrived. They quickly did their business and were ready to come back inside. Too cold! They've been used to their lounging on the nice warm days. Jimmy snuggled up with me and Sugar went in her hiding spot, while Buddy had some lunch. I let them have the roam of the house for the afternoon. This evening I let the boys outside while I got their meds together. Sugar heard the microwave and was soon bouncing at my heels. Buddy ate first, but he picked out the vetmedin. I crushed that up and gave him a little more potatoes. He finished it off no problem. Next the other two ate. Jimmy cuddled up with me again. Buddy picked and pawed through the dry food. Silly boy! I was petting Jimmy and noticed a strong air freshener scent that was coming from his back. I guess he wanted to smell pretty!
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Crash & Genny
Crash poked his nose through the crack of the door this morning as I came in. It had turned colder and very windy, so they did their business and were ready to come back inside shortly after. Crash wrestled around with me and sneak attacked me with lots of kisses! Genny came over and sat with her back to me for her morning back scratch. Later, Genny got a little burst of energy! She suddenly hopped up on the couch in a playful manner, so Crash ran over to her. They began to jump around and play. Crash picked up the piggy toy and tossed it to me, so I threw it for them for awhile. Genny would bounce over and be the first to get it! Later they went outside again for a few minutes until they were ready to come in and have their treats. It had started to rain, so this was actually the first time they had muddy paws! Tonight it looked like Genny had pulled out a different toy while I was gone. They went outside while I filled their food and water. Since it was still cold, they didn't stay out long. Crash curled up on the couch, so I sat with him. Then, he bounced around behind and next to me and would set his paw on my arm. He's so funny! I cleaned his ear out again this evening. He hid under the table when he saw me grab it, but he was such a good boy! Later, Genny ran over and pounced on her cow toy she had out. I told her to go "get him". She would hop backwards, then pounce on him again! Crash went over and put his mouth around one of the legs. She didn't like that, so she took it away and ran with it! Crash wanted to go run around outside, so he did that while Genny and I played inside. She played keep-away with the cow toy at first, then brought him over to play tug of war! Crash must have heard us having fun, because he came running up to the door and was ready to come back in. I gave them a couple treats on my way out and told them mom and dad would be home soon!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Crash & Genny

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Ethel, Jenny, Lew, Danner & Fiona

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Bailey & Bronson

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bailey & Bronson

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Can I have my treat now? Ok, how about now?
Crash & Genny

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My sweet Chelsea girl came and snuggled up to my leg right away when I came in tonight! We slowly made our way into the kitchen, since she kept stopping to be pet! She had her dinner right away and sat like such a good girl while I put it in her bowl. She had to stop while I filled her water bowl to accompany me and make sure I wasn't going anywhere without her. I sat with her until she finished. Then she got that excited look in her eye. She knew what was coming next! Chelsea looked at me, then pointed with her nose at the counter where her leash was. It was beautiful out, so we took a nice long walk around the neighborhood. When we got back home we sat outside for a few minutes. She got excited when a boy rode his bike past the yard, and went running along next to him! She went inside and asked for a treat. She got a couple! I turned on her music and gave her a yummy rawhide to work on after I left. She's such a good girl!
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Are we going for our walk yet? I'm ready!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Crash & Genny

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Dakota & Benny
This afternoon was another gorgeous day for a walk! Benny was getting so excited while we were still in the house. He could hear the neighbor dogs barking, so he was raring to go! It was a pretty quiet day for us again, just soaked up the nice warm sunshine as we walked. Benny paused at one of his friend's houses today to see if she would come to the fence. But she must not have been outside. They always stop and stare at each other for a second before they start getting excited and talk to each other! Kota and Benny both got pretty warm on their walk again today. Once we got home, Benny had some water and cooled off while Kota went outside to finish going potty quick.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Crash & Genny

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Dakota & Benny
Today was another great day for a walk! I noticed the gate was open when I got there, so I tried to get it shut. The wind was too strong and kept blowing it open! It was a pretty quiet day for our us. Benny said hi to all his friends as we passed by. Kota was busy chasing after plastic bags that blew by in the wind. They actually got hot on their walk today! I think spring might finally be here, I hope! When we got home they both had a big drink of water and laid down to cool off. I gave Kota some ice cubes in her bowl before I left.
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Buckley, Chloe, J.R., & Tizzy

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dakota & Benny
It was such a nice afternoon to go for our walk! The snow had all melted from the sidewalks and everything is back to normal. Kota did her "woo-woo" while I got them both hooked up and ready to go. Benny was happy to see all his friends outside again! Kota was a little bird hunter today. She would watch the Robins and Pigeons, then try to chase them. We got our nice long walk in, then I cleaned them up once we got back home. Kota had a little lunch while Benny rolled over next to me and got his back scratched!
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Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This afternoon I let the boys outside to play for awhile. Sugar didn't feel like coming out right away. Jimmy would run laps around the yard, then come running up to me to be pet! He and Buddy both explored around for awhile. Later, Sugar decided she wanted to go out. She quick did her business then wanted back in. It was still cloudy and damp outside, so I kept them in but let them have the run of the house.
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Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Jimmy came and said hi when I came in the door tonight. Buddy was sitting on the bed, and I found Sugar wearing her little poncho! You should make a little jacket out of that blanket for her. She's already got holes for her head and a leg! Haha! I let the boys out potty while I got their meds ready. Charlie bird was sitting on his perch outside his cage. When I walked over, he let himself back in through one of the dish doors. I gave Buddy his meds first tonight and let the other two surround him to put the pressure on! He gobbled up his food as quick as he could with no problems. Yay! Jimmy came and snuggled up with me for a bit. While he was giving me kisses I had to laugh at his garlic breath!
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Monday, February 14, 2011
Dakota & Benny
This afternoon Kota was singing to me and Benny was hopping around excitedly, ready for their walk! We were able to get our longer walk in today. The snow had mostly melted on the sidewalks, except for the hills by driveways where people shoveled. Kota would just spring right over them! Benny would take his time, assess the situation, and find the lowest point to cross over. It was pretty funny to watch! Later, he attempted Kota's approach and hopped over. But, he couldn't jump nearly as far, so he landed right on top and sunk in a little! Kota climbed up onto a huge pile we passed by and helped herself to some snow. Benny saw that she was eating something, so he climbed his way up and tried some too! As we started getting close to home, we walked in the street in my attempt to dry them out a little. Kota decided she still wanted to walk in the snow and would jump into any puddles she could! I dried them both off once we got back home. Later this afternoon I let the pups out in the backyard to play. Benny quick did his business, found a ball and was ready to come back in. Kota came in and rolled around in my lap. Goofy girl! She was ready to go back out again shortly, and spent some time exploring around. Benny came to snuggle up with me and get his back rubbed! He dropped his ball and nudged it to me to throw for him. Later Kota came inside and went crazy when I started squeaking the ball! She zoomed around and hopped up and over the couch. I tossed the ball for Benny and she went after it too. Benny was too quick though! She stood and looked at me, then all of a sudden the other blue ball rolled to her feet. Benny must have said, "Here take that one instead!". They crack me up!
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Auggie and Pattie

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Auggie and Pattie

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