The gang all met me at the door this afternoon. I let Tyler and Emma out back. Tyler hesitated like he wasn't sure if he wanted to go out and get wet! I took Lacey out back and put her in the grass, but she didn't want to to potty. She kept cuddling up to me and wanted to head back inside. I let them all in while I got their lunch ready. Lacey was staring up at the counter and the others were making laps around the kitchen. After they finished their lunch, Emma wanted to go back out. I let those two out back and found Lacey waiting at the back door. I took her out again too, and she finally went after I came out in the grass with her. She sure doesn't like the rain! Tyler and Emma were still having fun outside. Luke came out for some attention. He and Lacey came into the living room with me. Lacey was getting her tummy rubbed and would squirm around on her back! I let the big dogs back in and everyone got a snack before I left.
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