Everyone heard me coming down the hallway today! JR began barking as I was letting them out, then they all joined in while they zoomed down the hallway! They each had to say hi and smell me before they ran off and went potty. What a gorgeous day for them to play outside! JR was chasing after leaves as they twirled around in the wind above him. They all explored around the yard, and every once in awhile would come running back to me! It would only take one to bark and head my way, then the whole pack would join. Later Buck and Chloe curled up in the shade by the door while the kids played. Tizzy kept grabbing onto the trees and looking up like she was going to climb up and get something! Then JR was interested and looked up in the tree too. I couldn't figure out what they were looking at, but it kept them occupied for quite awhile! Chloe and Buck took turns sitting next to me and getting their backs scratched. When I'd stop petting one and start to pet the other, they'd scold me! They're so funny. A yellow dog came to visit them today. Everyone ran to the fence and they all barked at each other. Eventually he went on his way and the pups all went back to their exploring. Buck decided to hop on the patio table and smell the wind! I brought everyone back inside to cool off for awhile and have a drink. I gave them each a treat while they were in the kitchen. They went potty quick one last time while I filled their toys with a little peanut butter. The babies went right in their kennels. Actually they both went in the same one at first! Buck didn't want to go back to his room at first and was comfy on his couch upstairs. I went up and he came down with me and went right to work on his peanut butter when he got there.
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