I could hear the gang barking as I came in the house this evening. It took them to hear me talking to Ethel before they came running! I let everyone out back and they ate their dinner. Danner was a sneaky little guy and bolted for Fiona's food! Later I read the note on the counter, so I'll try feeding them separately next time. Jenny and Fiona chased each other around the backyard for awhile. Ethel kept close and followed me around. Everyone came back inside while I cleaned up Ethel's room. It looks like someone was having fun with the gloves. They were laying out in the living room! I tucked them away at the bottom of the basket. Jenny sat by the gate until I finished. I came out and Danner was rolling around on the floor! They lined up for their treats as I got Danner's meds out. Later I sat on the floor by Danner and soon after was surrounded by everyone! Even Ethel came over for her attention. Each snuggled up under an arm or got as close as they could. I was getting kisses on both cheeks and on my chin all at once! I put Ethel back in her room and she proceeded to curl up on her bed. Everyone got one last treat before I left.
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