This morning the girls bounced around my legs as I walked in, saying hello. I let them go outside while I started getting their breakfast ready. When they had finished, they lined up at the door to come in and eat. Sadie wandered along with me to her room. Harley was full of energy this morning and was busy grabbing toys and jumping from chair to chair! When I got her to come by me for a minute we played our game and she ate about a quarter of her food. After racing off to try and get me to follow for play time, she realized I wasn't coming and ate a little more for me. We took a break from eating to play, so Sadie could come out. Before I left Harley and I did tried once more in the kitchen and she finished her food like a good girl. This evening we played outside for a few minutes before dinner. Sadie took a little bit to start her dinner tonight too, but she finished soon enough and was ready to come out and play! After Harley ate as much as she was going to for the moment, the girls and I played some fetch. They were keeping me busy, taking turns bringing up their toy. Sadie had her blue squeaky ball and Harley the snake. At one point, Sadie was trying to bury her ball in a blanket! It was so cute. Harley finished off her dinner later on and they both got their bedtime snack.

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