This afternoon the three little ones ran around my legs all the way to the door. Roxy immediately stood in the grass and stared at me! I looked down and just happened to see that the ball was already right by me. Dilly had already wandered off to go check things out in the corner of the yard. She made her way over to the shed to look under that next. Biscuit and Roxy were busy racing back and forth for the ball. They were each coming back with it equally today. Later, even Dilly joined in and all three raced to catch it! Bert came outside for her turn and snuggled up with me for a minute. Then, she ran and snatched up her hog toy and pranced around with that! We came in a few minutes early since Biscuit was a little chilly in the wind. All three pups piled up on my lap, each trying to take over! When it was time, I rounded them up into the kitchen and got their treats for them.

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