Today the pups raced out of their room to the back door. As soon as the door opened, they all ran to the tree straight ahead. They were barking like crazy, so they must have just missed a squirrel! Buck wandered over by me after they settled down a bit. He got his back scratch and was doing a silly dance and then was almost doing somersaults trying to stick his heiny further in the air! I filled their water bucket outside. JR was first to take a drink and kept diving his whole face in and then swooping out like he was a dolphin or something! He came running over next, then Tizzy came zooming over too. The kids started to wrestle, then they started a singing party! They howled for quite awhile! It was pretty funny. Then, they all ran off to do their own thing. Chloe sat with her back up against the tree and rested her head on it as she stared up into the branches above. Buck laid in the shade of the garage for awhile, later joined by Tizzy. Buck found a toy to play with for a bit too. When we headed inside, we found Bootsie lounging in the lazy boy. He sure looked comfy!