When I arrived this morning, Chloe was sleeping on her chair by the window. She ran to see me and gave me lots of kisses. We headed outside and tossed around the frizbee for a bit, until we got cold and decided to go back in. I sat with her so she would eat a little for me again. She definitely likes to have company when she eats. When I had to go, she followed me to the door and sadly watched me leave, but I promised her I would be back tonight. When I came back this evening, she was jumping up and down excitedly, giving me kisses again. It seems like she gets more and more excited to see me with every visit! I let her go potty quick, then she came back in. Then we played with her little reindeer toy. She kept trying to give it to me, then would quickly run away. She was so funny! After that, I got her to eat some food before I left.

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